Hertfordshire Large Residential Home
The client had an enormous TV room with white walls and an empty space. Here we have transformed the room into a warm and very cosy TV room. By toning down the wall colour and introducing golden tones and soft textures, the room is now an inviting space for all to enjoy. The extra plump sofa is screaming for someone to sit down or lie down to enjoy a movie or have a cuppa with some friends.
Hertfordshire Large Residential Home
Hertfordshire Large Residential Home
A formal dressed window for a formal dining room. The soft voile behind the thick curtain softens the look as well as given some grandeur
Hertfordshire Large Residential Home
Hertfordshire Large Residential Home
To add some character to the room Bandini decided to wallpaper the inset ceiling in a gorgeous thick gold 3D wallpaper, so the room glowed all day long. Great conversational piece for a dining room!